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Shiurim/Classes @ NTS

Please look at our weekly schedule for the most up to date line-up. 

Regular Shiurim


  • Online Daf Yomi
  • Sunday Afternoon or Evening: Contemporary Halacha with Rabbi Michael Broyde.
  • Monday Afternoon: Netivot Shalom on the Parsha with Rabbi Reuven Travis.
  • Tuesday Afternoon or Evening: Contemporary Halacha with Rabbi Michael Broyde.



  • Friday Night D'var Torah, a (relatively) quick thought-provoking glimpse on the Parsha or current events in the Jewish world by Rabbi Don Seeman.
  • Shabbat Morning Drasha, the weekly drasha given by Rabbi Don Seeman.
  • Shabbat Morning after Kiddush, with Rabbi Don Seeman.
  • Shabbat Afternoon before Mincha (varies).
  • Seuda Shelishit d'var torah (varies).

Throughout the year we are privileged to host SIR weekends. If you are interested in coming to our shul or if you know someone that is, please email or

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784